8 Things to Know to Write an Infographic

8 Things to Know to Write an Infographic

Infographic – The graphics are very attractive and visual content that allows users to better understand the idea of storing data and especially to quickly and easily share information.

You will understand, as professionals, you have every interest in creating infographics to take advantage of effective content.

How to proceed? Here are 8 things to know when writing an infographic.

1. Do Market Research

You know your area of ​​expertise at your fingertips. However, before you start writing an infographic, you need to do a market study to find out more about your industry.

You will need to know current topics like hot topics in order to get ideas. If you can, try to anticipate trends and come up with a topic that is about to get the buzz.

It is delicate but not impossible. You can, for example, follow trends from one day to the next and see if a subject is clearly progressing.

Take a survey to get ideas

Our advice

In order for infographics to be sure to appeal to your audience, you sometimes need to conduct a survey. The practice is common and the returns are always very interesting for the creation of content as for the activity of your business.

2. Create a plan

Following the survey, you will have identified ideas and the issues to be addressed. Before you start writing an infographic, you will need to create a plan that incorporates your ideas while answering questions from your audience.

8 Tips for Writing Infographic Copy

This step is very important because it will create the “skeleton” of your infographic. Do not hesitate to modify it as many times as you deem necessary. The structure of the infographic must be logical!

3. Check What Has Been Done

Once your plan is done and your ideas are clearer, it is highly recommended to take a look around the web to see what has already been done on the subject.

  • If no infographic exists, you can get started.
  • If other infographics exist, make sure that yours is different and that they offer new information.

4. Look for Reliable Information

To create a good infographic, you have to have reliable information. If you choose to include numbers, check them and cite the sources. The same is true for important facts and information.

Tips for Writing Infographic Copy

Good to know

The more reliable an infographic, the more it is shared. Your company then benefits from greater notoriety but also from a better brand image. Incidentally, infographics optimize your SEO!

5. Create a Story

Your infographic should not be a succession of numbers. You have to create a story and of course make sure it is consistent.

The use of a common thread is always appreciated. You can choose to place a timeline, a road or even a river.

It’s up to you to get your imagination working while keeping in mind the history of computer graphics. Also list the illustrations you want to incorporate into your content. They will help you build the infographic.

Also Read:  

6. Choose a Punchy Design

The infographic is very visual content. This is why you must imperatively work on the design. Choose a clear format. All texts must be legible. Besides, when writing, you need to create short, punchy sentences. You deliver information!

How to Write Great Content for Your Infographic
Source: Behance

If you communicate on figures, make sure they are clear too. Readers should not wonder, for example, if the figure is in a million or a billion, or if you are talking about France or the world. Pay attention to the details!

7. Check the Format

Your infographic is now finished. Before revealing it to the general public and especially to your audience, you must ensure that it is displayed correctly on all the media used by Internet users. In particular, your infographic must be compatible with the smartphone format, otherwise it will not be read.

Also make sure that the infographic is not too heavy because otherwise it will take a long time to appear and internet users will not wait.

8. Share your Infographic!

Everything is ready, you just have to massively distribute your infographic. Send it to your audience exclusively through your database.

Also post it on your blog, site and social media. Don’t forget to post your infographic on LinkedIn! Also, don’t hesitate to interact with people who comment on the infographic.

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